Join us and celebrate
all space has brought us
and all it has to offer the future.
Dancing at the flagship World Space Party in Los Angeles during the very first Yuri’s Night in 2001.
Future astronaut
Kylee Johnson looks into
the cosmos in front of
Shuttle Atlantis
Science Fiction comes
face to face with
science fact at
Yuri's Night Los Angeles.
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Join tens of thousands of people around the world this April to dream about where we’re going, explore where we are, and celebrate where we’ve been at Yuri’s Night, the World Space Party.
White Label Space, a Google Lunar X-PRIZE team, celebrates Yuri’s Night in Japan.
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Rod Roddenberry lectures on deep ocean science from inside
the kelp forest tank at Yuri's Night Los Angeles 2022.
Rocket scientists and rock bands combine at a Yuri's Night party in Boulder, CO
Dancing underneath the Saturn V moon rocket at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL
Kelvin Manning
Associate Director, Kennedy Space Center
Yuri's Night Supporter and 2022 Keynote
Yuri's Night SpaceCoast underneath Space Shuttle Atlantis.
Excited about space exploration? Want to share your passion with others but don't know where to start? If you need some inspiration or assistance, check the 3-Step Guide to getting started with Yuri's Night →
Now is the time to start putting together your Yuri's Night! It's easy to do, just follow our three step guide and get your party started today! If you'd like to explore partnering your brand with Yuri's Night, get in touch with us →
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"Circling the Earth in my orbital spaceship I marveled at the beauty of our planet. People of the world, let us safeguard and enhance this beauty — not destroy it!"
— Yuri Gagarin, 1st human in space.
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